Hitso is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Hitso is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
We based the system on Symfony 3 and React, the newest web application production technologies, which significantly increase their efficiency.
Thanks to efficient and scalable software: ElasticSearch, Sphinxand RabbitMQ.
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Hitso has few new extra features which will make your work easier
It is difficult to guess what kind of project we will have to build “tomorrow”. The architecture and the rules regarding how all CMS components are joined together.
Considering the character of the interface we are actually designing a library of template elements (UI Kit), rather than a list of specific sub pages.
Adding new content was never that simple, you see the final effects of your work immediately. WYSIWIG as you know it is now in the past.
We based the system on Symfony 3 and React, the newest web application production technologies, which significantly increase their efficiency.
Have you any questions, we are for your service.
Let’s talk with us